The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing - Moon Charged Crystals

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a holistic practice that has been used for centuries to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body and spirit. It is a powerful form of energy work that can help to clear away blocks and restore balance in the body’s natural energy system. Wheres as Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a type of energy healing that uses finger tapping on specific points on the body to restore balance in the body’s energy system. In this blog post, we will look at the basics of tapping and how you can incorporate it into your crystal healing practise to support your overall health and well-being.

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

Tapping is a form of energy healing

Tapping is a technique that falls under the umbrella of spiritual healing, as it focuses on manipulating the subtle energy field that surrounds us. This field is believed to be the blueprint of our physical body, and imbalances within it can lead to various health problems.

The idea behind tapping is that by tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a specific issue, we can stimulate the energy flow within the meridians, which are the energy pathways in our body. This can help release any blockages, negative emotions, or trauma stored in our energy field.  Check out this easy guide to what areas you should be tapping:

Some people compare tapping to acupuncture, but instead of using needles, we use our fingertips to tap on specific points on the body. This makes tapping more accessible and less intimidating for those who are afraid of needles.

Overall, tapping is a powerful technique that can be used for both physical and emotional healing. It can help us release negative patterns and beliefs, clear blockages in our energy field, and promote overall well-being.

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

Tapping can be used to clear blockages in the energy field

One of the main purposes of tapping is spiritual healing, which involves the clearing of blockages in the energy field. These blockages, or stagnant energy, can prevent the flow of vital life force energy throughout the body, leading to physical and emotional discomfort. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), involves tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on negative emotions, physical sensations, or memories. By tapping on these points, the body's energy meridians are stimulated, and the flow of energy is restored. This process can help release stuck emotions and beliefs, leading to a sense of freedom and peace. Tapping can be used for a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, physical pain, and trauma. Overall, tapping is a powerful tool for clearing blockages and promoting spiritual healing.

Crystal healing also focuses on removing blockages from your energy field. Crystals naturally emit healing frequencies which remedy psychical, mental and spiritual imbalances. Tapping and crystal healing can work together to enhance each other's effectiveness. During tapping, holding a crystal that aligns with the intended outcome of the tapping session can amplify the healing effects. Similarly, placing crystals on specific chakra points during tapping can enhance the activation and balancing of those chakras.

Some popular crystals used in tapping sessions include amethyst for spiritual growth, rose quartz for emotional healing, and clear quartz for overall healing and balance. By combining tapping with the power of crystals, individuals can experience a more profound sense of well-being and spiritual growth.

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

Tapping and healing crystals can be used to activate and balance the chakras

Chakras are the energy centres of our body and they play a crucial role in maintaining our overall physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. When our chakras are blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to various health issues and emotional problems. Crystal healing is the most popular chakra healing technique. You simply place a crystal of corresponding colour on each charka point for twenty minutes and let the stones work their magic on you, but did you know you can also use tapping for more intense energy healing?

Tapping on the chakras can help activate them and restore their balance, thereby improving the flow of energy in our bodies. Each chakra corresponds to different aspects of our being and tapping on them can help us address specific issues.

For instance, tapping on the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine, can help us feel more grounded and secure. Tapping on the sacral chakra, located below the navel, can help us address issues related to sexuality and creativity. Tapping on the solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, can help us build our confidence and power.

To tap on the chakras, simply place your fingers on the chakra point and tap gently while focusing on your intention. You can use affirmations or visualisations to enhance the tapping process. With regular tapping, you can restore the balance of your chakras and experience a greater sense of overall well-being.

Tapping is a simple yet powerful technique that can help you improve your physical, emotional and spiritual health. By tapping on your chakras, you can promote greater energy flow in your body and address specific issues related to each chakra. Give it a try and see how it can transform your life!

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

Tapping can be used to promote physical and emotional healing

By tapping on specific energy points on the body, we can activate the body's natural healing response and release blockages in the energy field. This can help to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall physical and emotional well-being.

Research has shown that tapping can be effective in treating a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain and anxiety to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When we tap on specific points on the body, we activate the body's natural healing response and help to promote the flow of energy throughout the body. This can help to relieve tension and reduce pain, as well as improve mood and promote emotional well-being.

One of the main benefits of tapping for physical and emotional healing is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. When we are stressed or anxious, our body releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can have negative effects on our health over time. By tapping on specific points on the body, we can help to reduce these stress hormones and promote relaxation and calm.

Tapping can also be effective in promoting emotional healing by helping us to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs. By tapping on specific energy points while focusing on a particular issue or emotion, we can release any blockages in the energy field and promote emotional balance and well-being. Try this practise during meditation surrounded by black, grey and red crystals. Darker colour crystals are associated with the lower chakras, and are known to absorb negative energy and anxiety.

Overall, tapping is a powerful tool for promoting physical and emotional healing. Whether you are struggling with chronic pain, anxiety, or emotional issues, tapping can be a simple and effective way to support your health and well-being. Give it a try and see how tapping can transform your life!

Tapping can be used to increase self-awareness and promote personal growth
Aside from its physical and emotional healing benefits, tapping can also be a powerful tool for promoting personal growth. By tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and other issues that are holding us back, we can become more self-aware and gain a deeper understanding of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
Through regular tapping practice, we can identify patterns and habits that no longer serve us and replace them with more positive and empowering ones. We can also uncover limiting beliefs that have been holding us back from achieving our goals and dreams and transform them into positive affirmations that align with our true desires.

Moreover, tapping can also help us release old emotional wounds and traumas that are keeping us stuck in the past. By acknowledging and processing these emotions, we can let go of the pain and resentment and move forward with greater clarity, compassion, and resilience.

To use tapping and crystal healing for personal growth, it is essential to have a clear intention and focus on specific areas that need improvement. Whether it is boosting self-esteem, overcoming fears and doubts, or improving relationships, tapping can be a valuable tool for achieving our personal goals and becoming the best version of ourselves.

The Basics of Tapping and Crystal Healing

How often should I practise tapping and crystal healing

At Moon Charged Crystals we advise you to carry a small crystal on your person every day for crystal healing on the go. However, if you have the time and space, it's best to practise tapping and crystal healing when you can fully concentrate on the practice without distractions. A quiet and calming environment can help you get in touch with your inner self and enhance the effects of the practice.

It's also important to note that tapping and crystal healing can be used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medicine. If you have a medical condition or are experiencing any health issues, it's always best to seek professional medical advice first.

Finally, don't forget to trust your intuition when it comes to tapping and crystal healing. You know yourself best, and your body and energy field will tell you what they need. Always listen to your inner voice and let your intuition guide you through the practice.

In summary, tapping is a powerful energy-healing technique that can be used to promote physical and emotional healing, increase self-awareness, and promote personal growth. By combining tapping with the healing power of crystals, you can activate and balance your chakras and clear blockages in your energy field. Practise tapping and crystal healing in a calm and distraction-free environment, and always listen to your intuition to get the best results.

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