Fluorite is a beautiful multi-coloured crystal that has some rather wonderful metaphysical properties that can transform your life.
Fluorite has a funny energy, known to attract strange occurrences that when they enter your life they somehow have a balancing effect on you. For example, a friend suddenly leaves your life and it is then that you realise this person was energetically draining on you. Or the opposite you might meet someone who is high energy and you realise you needed more fun and drama in your life. The effect of this crystal always seems particularly unique to the person's needs, but needless to say this mystical crystal promotes emotional harmony and inspires us all to live our best lives.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
As a multi-coloured crystal, fluorite heals your entire chakra system, as well as energising your energy field. Try sleeping next to fluorite for an entire moon cycle starting on the full moon. The moon is a powerful force that can be leveraged to create positive change. Whilst the moon is *waning (decrease in light from full to new moon) fluorite calms the mind, releasing what no longer serves you. During *waxing phases use fluorite to attract your dream life.
*Waxing - light decreases, full to new moon
*Waning - light increases, new to the full moon
➵ How to manifest
Fluorite can attract the unexpected, so if you are bored with your day-to-day hold a piece of fluorite and say this simple intention spell: “My soul is ready to live the life of my dreams!”
➵ How to use your crystal
Fluorite can be carried around on your person or left in a prominent place at home. Some crystal work enthusiasts like to use fluorite to make an intention spell, then they hide the crystal somewhere in the house and forget about it. Why? Because fluorite has a very mysterious energy that attracts the unexpected into your life
Perfect for:
☾ Crystal Grids
☾ Artists
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
L- 90g and size 50 x40 mm
S- 60g and size 30 x30 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog: